Kikar HaMedina
Three 40-story luxury towers that will be built in the heart of Kikar HaMedina, Tel Aviv.
The winding geometric shape of the towers is formed by the rotation of a typical floor around the central axis at a 1.25 degree angle of each floor.
An industrialized curtain wall [UNIT] will be built in the building facades, ceiling to floor, that will include insulated glass with a built-in electrical shade and full-height axial opening windows, with an internal railing and 300mm-deep aluminum/glass shading fins at the same rhythm around each floor. A unique opening solution was tailored for the corner balconies that combines a sliding system with minimal profiles and window wings that converge at the opening corner.
According to the changing geometry with the height of the building, a cladding system was developed for the concrete columns rotating on their axis, as well as for the concrete floors protruding up to 740mm from the glass plane. These will be produced using 3mm thick aluminum sheet metal.
We will perform 35,000 sqm of pillar and beam cladding work, and 4,000 meters of balcony railings.